Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Midterms Exam: How to review and take it in Hospital?

First of all, I don't encourage negligence on UPOU Students like me. Because I learned the lesson of not informing my Teachers in a hard way. Here is my experience.

It was my first time in UPOU. I am so eager to take my first ever MidTerms and will do anything to pass it. However, I got hospitalized 3 days before exam so I took it there instead of informing my teacher for a valid reconsideration.

If you are confined in a hospital and you are expecting Midterm Exams, what will you do? Here are the road I have taken and the road the should have took.

1. The road I have taken

So when you are UPOU Student and is confined to a hospital, you become both a patient and a student. Therefore you are a patient student. Yeah that joke didn't landed well.

A. Anticipate Antibiotic rounds

You are confined because there are no option for cure except Intra Venous Antibiotic or what BS Nursing call IVs. When you are on IV, expect side effects. You will be dizzy, become irritable, and seriously exhausted -physically, emotionally, and even mentally.

So if there are sided effects of antibiotics, can it stop you from reviewing? Yes, if you don't realize that there are half lifes. Soon, it will subside down and you are NORMAL again. Check if you ard anxious for the exams again. Yeah that's the indication it subsided down.

During the whole duration of IVs, says 30 minutes, just go to sleep or relax for awhile. It will calm you down and prepare you for another review. After the side effects, then you can review again and become more focused.

B. When the Doctor rounds

You have to know your progress. Is the medicine resistant or sensitive? Will there be any Laboratory test again? If there are, what's the preparations you must take. Will you go fasting? These are reality of patient students like me. So i want to share it to an audience who may undergo this road any time. Since you are in UPOU, we have to be independent as long as we can.

Inform the Doctor that you are taking the Midterms. When I did it, it boost the morale of my Physician after he realised that progress is not dependent on health condition. God can turn your mess into a message.

2. The road I should have took

So we, UPOU Students, are encouraged to reason on the citation of "the benefit of the doubt". For example, is it possible for me to ask medical record during confinement and send it for citation of a valid retake? Absolutely yes.

Ask the Doctor to write a Medical Record. He will live it on the Nurse Station and you can scan and upload it on Email. You can send it on your Learning Center Coordinator who inform your teacher for a retake. Don't worry if you access the grades much late compared to others. As long as it is record, it is still official and valid Midterms.

After all the heroism, I scored low on that Midterm Exams but I learned the Lesson. Again, as matured living organism, I take the full responsibility of my actions and blame no other life forms.

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